(Scroll down to see the text in English)
Altezza: 25-70 cms
Coltivazione: Hanno bisogno di terreno umido ma ben drenato, in pieno sole o in mezz'ombra. Sopportano temperature fino a -15°C. Concimateli in primavera prima della fioritura, quando compare la nuova crescita.
And in English...
Description of the plant: Most wallflowers are biennial, and are grown from seed in late spring and then planted out in autumn - either in a garden or in containers on a terrace or balcony. They flower the following year between March and May and combine beautifully with spring bulbs such as daffodils.
Height: 25-70cms
Cultivation: Grow wallflowers in moist but well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade. They will survive temperatures as low as -15°C. Fertilise in the spring before flowering when the new growth appears
Per ulteriori informazioni / For further information...
... in italiano / in Italian: https://www.picturethisai.com/it/wiki/Erysimum_cheiri.html
... in inglese / in English: https://www.sarahraven.com/articles/how-to-plant-and-grow-wallflowers
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